Is cremation El Cajon really greener?

In the last few years, it has been noticed that cremations have become a highly popular choice for final services. The percentage of people selecting cremation over burial has increased. There are several reasons behind it becoming a popular choice. Cremations are highly flexible and cost-effective. Moreover, it is a popular choice due to it being environmental-friendly. But, a lot of people are not sure whether cremations are really environment-friendly. Are cremations really greener as compared to traditional burials? It needs very less or no land When it comes to traditional burial, you require a burial plot. However, it is not required in the case of cremation. The remains after the cremation can be scattered or kept with the family in the urn. No requirement for embalming chemicals For cremation El Cajon, the best thing is that no potentially harmful chemicals for embalming are utilized. It means cremation helps in keeping harmful chemicals out of the environment a...